May 12, 2016

Single Motherhood...

When fate brings you to be like this. Does it have to be a choice? Or circumstance brings you to it. It's a difficult task to be a mom and dad at the same time and pulling this thru, wow...isn't it amazing???
My heart goes out to everyone who is a single parent ... and I was thinking that even in the darkest moments of our "single motherhood" we can see the JOYS of being a single parent.  The best part about being a single mom is knowing that when they are happy you made that happen, when they are sad you are the one that can make them feel better, they will always come to you and the joy you feel in your heart when that happens is the best thing in the whole world!

I always wonder why some men are put off by single moms.They seem to have the perception of them being desperate or clingy. 

Dating a single mom does't mean you'll be playing daddy, it just means you'll be becoming part of a family and a role model for a child. If you aren't ready to step up, then don't step to her. 

How do you accept that the bio-dad will be around even though he may be causing you partner grief and creating tension on your relationship?
MY home is now one of peace - without the constant frustrations of a marriage gone bad. I can do with my kids what I want, I can enjoy them - not having to focus on trying to salvage a bad marriage. 

There is no more yelling, no more angry, no more tears. We were part of an abusive relationship and being away from that life now, with the help of the LORD, I can see so many parts of our lives that I would never take back. The best part of being a single mother to me, is the close relationship that I have with my kids. Because it's just you and your children, they only have you to depend on and trust and talk too. Don't take that for granted!! 

The way I see it, I have my kids trained just the way I like them. I have taught them, nurtured them, raised them, and molded them and nothing in my eyes is more beautiful or perfect than these precious gifts... Each time one of my kids smile or tell me thank you, it makes all of the hard, tiring moments worth it!!!

So, to all single moms outhere...You are strong, beautiful, courageous, fearless, graceful, and irreplaceable.

Our greatest contribution to the kingdom of God may not be something you do but someone you raise.